Test Bank For Wongs Essentials of Pediatric Nursing 11th Edition By Hockenberry Rodgers Wilson
Table of Contents: (Test Bank from Chapter 1-34)
Section I: Children, Their Families, and the Nurse Chapter 1: Perspectives of Pediatric Nursing Chapter 2: Social, Cultural, Religious, and Family Influences on Child Health Promotion Chapter 3: Hereditary Influences on Health Promotion of the Child and Family
Section II: Childhood and Family Assessment Chapter 4: Communication, Physical, and Developmental Assessment of the Child and Family Chapter 5: Pain in Children: Significance, Assessment, and Management Strategies Chapter 6: Childhood Communicable and Infectious Diseases
Section III: Family-Centered Care of the Newborn Chapter 7: Health Promotion of the Newborn and Family Chapter 8: Health Problems of the Newborn Chapter 9: The High-Risk Newborn and Family
Section IV: Family-Centered Care of the Infant Chapter 10: Health Promotion of the Infant and Family Chapter 11: Health Problems of the Infant
Section V: Family-Centered Care of the Toddler and Preschooler Chapter 12: Health Promotion of the Toddler and Family Chapter 13: Health Promotion of the Preschooler and Family Chapter 14: Health Problems of Early Childhood
Section VI: Family-Centered Care of the School-Age Child Chapter 15: Health Promotion of the School-Age Child and Family Chapter 16: Health Problems of the School-Age Child Section VII: Family-Centered Care of the Adolescent Chapter 17: Health Promotion of the Adolescent and Family Chapter 18: Health Problems of the Adolescent
Section VIII: Family-Centered Care of the Child with Special Needs Chapter 19: Impact of Chronic Illness, Disability, or End of Life Care for the Child and Family Chapter 20: The Child with Cognitive, Sensory, or Communication Impairment
Section IX: The Child Who is Hospitalized Chapter 21: Family-Centered Care of the Child During Illness and Hospitalization Chapter 22: Pediatric Nursing Interventions and Skills
Section X: Childhood Nutrition and Elimination Problems Chapter 23: The Child with Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance Chapter 24: The Child with Renal Dysfunction Chapter 25: The Child with Gastrointestinal Dysfunction
Section XI: Childhood Oxygenation Problems Chapter 26: The Child with Respiratory Dysfunction
Section XII: Childhood Blood Production and Circulation Problems Chapter 27: The Child with Cardiovascular Dysfunction Chapter 28: The Child with Hematologic or Immunologic Dysfunction
Section XIII: Childhood Regulatory Problems Chapter 29: The Child with Cancer Chapter 30: The Child with Cerebral Dysfunction Chapter 31: The Child with Endocrine Dysfunction
Section XIV: Childhood Physical Mobility Problems Chapter 32: The Child with Integumentary Dysfunction Chapter 33: The Child with Musculoskeletal or Articular Dysfunction Chapter 34: The Child with Neuromuscular or Muscular Dysfunction
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