Test Bank for Understanding Nutrition 15th Edition by Ellie Whitney and Sharon Rady Rolfes
Table of Contents
1. An Overview of Nutrition. Highlight 1: Nutrition Information and Misinformation. 2. Planning a Healthy Diet. Highlight 2: Vegetarian Diets. 3. Digestion, Absorption and Transport. Highlight 3: Common Digestive Problems. 4. The Carbohydrates: Sugars, Starches and Fibers. Highlight 4: Carbs, kCalories and Controversies. 5. The Lipids: Triglycerides, Phospholipids and Sterols. Highlight 5: High-Fat Foods — Friend or Foe? 6. Protein: Amino Acids. Highlight 6: Nutritional Genomics. 7. Energy Metabolism. Highlight 7: Alcohol in the Body. 8. Energy Balance and Body Composition. Highlight 8: Eating Disorders. 9. Weight Management: Overweight, Obesity and Underweight. Highlight 9: The Latest and Greatest Weight-Loss Diet — Again. 10. The Water-Soluble Vitamins: B Vitamins and Vitamin C. Highlight 10: Vitamin and Mineral Supplements. 11. The Fat-Soluble Vitamins, A, D, E and K. Highlight 11: Antioxidant Nutrients in Disease Prevention. 12. Water and the Major Minerals. Highlight 12: Osteoporosis and Calcium. 13. The Trace Minerals. Highlight 13: Phytochemicals and Functional Foods. 14. Fitness: Physical Activity, Nutrients and Body Adaptations. Highlight 14: Supplements as Ergogenic Aids. 15. Life Cycle Nutrition: Pregnancy and Lactation. Highlight 15: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. 16. Life Cycle Nutrition: Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence. Highlight 16: Childhood Obesity and the Early Development of Chronic Diseases. 17. Life Cycle Nutrition: Adulthood and the Later Years. Highlight 17: Nutrient-Drug Interactions. 18. Diet and Health. Highlight 18: Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 19. Consumer Concerns About Foods and Water. Highlight 19: Food Biotechnology. 20. Hunger and the Global Environment. Highlight 20: Environmentally Friendly Food Choices.
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